manage stress... enhance productivity... reduce tension... combat repetitive strain injury... improve health... anytime... anywhere...with on site massage  
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To get an accurate price, the best thing is to let us know the details of what you’d like and we’ll go from there
Payment options:
    • Fully funded by the employer
    • Subsidised by the employer
    • Fully funded by employee




"Adriana offers a fantastic service that really makes a difference. I’ve had 30 min sessions every month for over 2 years and she always manages to relax my stressed, tense neck and shoulder muscles. She’s also a pleasure to chat to and always makes me feel relaxed. Her massage really works and I’d highly recommend her."

Vicky Brunwin,
Group Project Director,


"For the last two years I have been having reflexology and massage treatments from Adriana and I feel that I can’t recommend her enough. No matter how stressed or achy I am she just melts all the tension away. I always leave her feeling relaxed, chilled out and as if I can take on the world."

Features Writer,
Fate & Fortune,